network & partners for production & logistics

Over the past 40 years, Josef Dobrowsky has established a global network of partner organisations that support CONEXTRU in providing outstanding engineering products and services.

For engineering, which sits at the core of all CONEXTRU technology, Dobrowsky collaborates with a small group of hand-selected experts who produce final manufactured products, CONEXTRU leverages the technology an facilities of leading and higly specialised companies in the respective field.

Before shipment, every extruder, pipe-head of complete line is carefully inspected and tested by CONEXTRU and the partner company. For shipment and logistics, CONEXTRU uses a network of Austria-based cargo partners including Mundus and Lagermax.

This strong partner network enables CONEXTRU to also offer joint mounting demos and factory acceptance tests that involve the customer, CONEXTRU and the partner company.


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